Without a well-defined investment strategy, you may just be wandering.

We construct portfolios on a discretionary and non-discretionary basis. The strategy is defined by your investment objectives, desired amount of risk, and the amount of investable assets. We typically consider both active and index styles in the process. Portfolios can be managed in relation to a specific return objective, a blended benchmark, or an expected level of inflation.
Investment Policy Statement
When appropriate, an Investment Policy Statement (IPS) is drafted to help guide the investment process and relationship expectations. It typically outlines portfolio constraints, liquidity considerations, and performance standards. We consider it to be a living document and regularly update it to accommodate any changes that may affect how a portfolio is managed. A properly written IPS provides an effective framework for making prudent decisions, regardless of the market environment.
We strive to develop open and transparent relationships with our clients. This is accomplished through flexible reporting, in-person meetings, and 24/7 custodial website access. Client awareness and education are important to us. If you have a question regarding a particular market trend or theme, just ask. We can provide topic specific information to help in its understanding. We have access to a variety of databases and research sources.
Portfolio Administration
Whether its for you or your family, we can help with the administration of your investment program. This includes overseeing account deposits, the issuance of checks, and the transferring of assets between accounts. If you need cost basis researched, a stock certificate deposited, or year-end tax documents aggregated, we are willing to assist. If you want an industry perspective on the fee levels and relationship characteristics of your other service providers, we can provide it.